Average Settlement For A Child In A Car Accident

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Average Settlement For A Child In A Car Accident

Any type of car accident is a horrific experience for all involved, however, it is particularly more so when a child is included. Navigating the aftermath of a car accident where a young one has been involved is a stressful and time-consuming process. This is where hiring a knowledgeable and experienced attorney makes all the difference. It is important to know your rights and the compensation that should be awarded after the accident. So, what is the average settlement for a child in a car accident?

Child in a car accident

Child Injuries

When a child is injured in a car accident, the lasting effects can be devastating both to the child and the parents. The injuries can include physical, mental, and emotional problems that lead to expensive medical bills. This is why it is vital to work with an attorney that can fight for you and ensure you receive adequate compensation to cover the expenses that arise from the accident.

The details involved in receiving damages for a child’s injuries vary from state to state, but just like an adult, a child has the right to receive compensation for injuries sustained in a car accident. Knowing the law in your state will help you make sure that you file the appropriate paperwork within the necessary time frame.

What Damages Are Recoverable?

Recoverable damages may vary depending on the laws of your state as well as the insurance company’s policies. However, the types of damages that are potentially recoverable include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Therapy for physical injuries
  • Therapy for mental and emotional injuries
  • Rehab services such as chiropractic care and physical therapy
  • Loss of income if the child has a job
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment if it has drastic effects on typical activities such as sports

There can also be other damages recovered, referred to as punitive damages. Punitive damages refer to specific accidents where the accident occurred due to extreme recklessness or negligence.

Average Settlement

While there is no way to assign a specific number to a personal injury case without knowing all of the details, the average car accident settlement is around $3,000 with property damage alone. However, this number can vary greatly when physical injury is added and the average can be up to $15,000. Additionally, children specifically can have physical injuries that don’t manifest until later because their bones are still growing and forming. The typical statute for filing a personal injury claim for a minor is two years after being diagnosed with an injury by a doctor.

However, in many cases, the statute of limitations will be extended by a judge as the courts are always looking to do what is best for children.

If you or someone you know has been involved in a car accident with a child and want to discuss your options and rights, give us a call today!