How Long Does The Settlement Take For A Car Accident Case In Florida?

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How Long Does The Settlement Take For A Car Accident Case In Florida?

How Long Does The Settlement Take For A Car Accident Case In Florida?

Settling a car accident can unfortunately be a lengthy process.  The details of the accident are a large factor in determining how long a settlement may take.  Car accidents can result in minor injuries, extreme injuries, and even death.  Obviously, a car accident involving death will take longer to reach a settlement than a car accident that involves a broken leg for example.  This is because death causes more additional expenses beyond mending an injury.  However, how long does it take to settle a car accident case in Florida specifically?

Determining Length Of Time

A car accident can be settled in a couple of weeks, months, or even years in some cases.  So how can we determine the average length of time a compensation might take?  While there is no sure way to determine the exact amount of time a car accident settlement might take, there are certain factors that we know can make it take longer.

Liability Issues

Depending on the details of the car accident, it may take time and court hearings to figure out who is liable.  There can be multiple drivers and even pedestrians involved, and that can make it difficult to determine who is negligent and/or reckless. 

Settlement Amount

Oftentimes, if the settlement amount happens to be particularly large, the insurance companies will attempt to keep from paying out the settlement.  The insurance companies will even intentionally drag out court dates and proceedings in hopes that a claimant might get tired of waiting and accept a smaller settlement amount.

Healing Time

If there are extensive injuries involved, it might take a long time to fully heal. Medical expenses due to treating those injuries will need to be included in the compensation amount.  These medical expenses can include hospital stays, surgeries, and even rehab and physical therapies.  The medical expenses, however, cannot be added up until all treatment is complete.  This can take a long time depending on the extent of the injuries. 

While there is no way to know for sure how long it will take to reach a settlement in a car accident case in Florida, there are statutes that dictate when payment must be made.  Florida statute 627.4265 states that insurance companies must pay within twenty days of a settlement agreement. This provides some legal protection to be assured that the insurance company must pay.  If you or someone you know has been involved in a car accident and is unsure of how to go about reaching a settlement, contact our office today!