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Divorce and Dollars

Divorce Attorney West Palm Beach

The country of Greece voted down bailout terms from the European Union, largely due to the austerity measures that would need to accompany them.  Greece badly needs an influx of cash, but the voters refused to approve the pension cuts, tax increases, and other painful fiscal measures designed to allow the country to remain solvent.


Many financial experts warn that without the European Union, Greek banks could collapse, with hyper-inflation possible for the Greek Drachma should it become the currency of state rather than the current Euro.  The entire affair has become hotly contested, and is causing world-wide effects on financial markets.

Financial problems are, of course, not limited to nations:  arguments over money are the #1 precursor to divorce for couples.  And while the decision to dissolve a marriage is almost always painful, the actual complicated process itself can prove even more so.  Matters of custody aside, nothing else has more potential to be hotly contested than the division of assets post-marriage.

Florida Divorce Law and Finances

There are many factors of concern when a couple seeks to dissolve a marriage:  assets entering into the marriage; build-up of marital assets; income disparity; child support; bank accounts; 401K; IRA; and pension funds; home values; business value built-up during the marriage; personal property; inheritance, and more.  The Ledezma Law firm protects our clients with our extensive knowledge of Florida law and its specific treatment of assets.  Our experienced team of forensic accountants can examine tax returns, bank account statements, stock market purchases, vesting schedules, and more.  You’ll need expert asset valuations and potential tax consequences of proposed settlements.


Every Divorce is Unique

The facts in any particular divorce are always different from any other.  Typically, the more assets involved the more potential need for expert help.  Unfortunately many who are not legal experts badly underestimate the marital assets needing consideration for a fair dissolution.  The time to get the legal advice is as early in the process as possible to avoid negative circumstances.   Count on the Ledezma Law Firm to gather all information about income and all property, evaluate all assets, and provide a fair valuation.

Learn More for Free

You can learn more in your free consultation, including possible strategies to maximize the outcome for your particular case.  Divorce and financial disagreement go hand-in-hand, but that doesn’t mean you need to fight this fight on your own.  Count on the Ledezma Law Firm to represent your interests, and avoid a Greek tragedy.